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Water Meters

Water Meter
Water is a precious resource, but in order to make many people conserve precious resources sadly the only way is to ensure that there is a cost incentive attached.

However, traditionally in many countries, water is not metered and there is a one size fits all billing model.

Not only does this mean that smaller households (in terms of numbers of members) subsidise larger households, it also means those that use a lot of water are getting away with it financially, whilst being paid for by those who are more water conscious.

Therefore you should look to get a water meter fitted, not only will this lead to you saving money if you use water sensibly, but it will also help make yours a green household.

Water is one of the most precious resources but many people particularly in the Western world take it for granted.

Another good way to save water is to ensure that you take showers in preference to baths as these use less water, and to collect and re-use the shower water in the garden for the plants.

Also be sure to only pull the chain when you need to as the toilet flush is one of the biggest drains of water that there is - and if you get new toilets they tend to have a smaller water reservoir too which all helps ensure that less water is wasted when we flush.