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Commercial Property And Being Green

Commercial property and being green - the two do not necessarily go hand in hand in the mind.

However there is actually a major reason for companies to retrofit existing property to be more environmentally friendly and with new build commercial developments to ensure that they are well served on the green front.

The reason for this is that it can save money. One example of this is to look at the empire state building in the USA. The building is being refurbished and the green element of it such as insulating behind radiators and also putting insulation film into the building's double glazing is going to add to the cost of the refurbishment.

However over the course of a few years the investment will be recouped becuse it will save around $4million dollars a year in energy, so over the longer term it will actually save money.

Similarly for smaller properties the same idea will hold true. Electricity and heating costs can be cut greatly by thinking about the insulation and overall design of a building to reduce potential sources of heat loss, and therefore this planning stage is now important with new commercial property developments.

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