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The Feed-in Tariff: Steps To Take

Once you have followed all the necessary steps and have your Feed-in Tariff eligibility certificate, and have contacted your energy supplier, what happens next?

Well you will need an additional electricity meter to that which you already have in your house. The purpose of this is simply to enable the measurement of the electricity that your microgeneration project is itself generating, and also to be able to measure what amount of this is being put back into the electricity grid - the 'feed-in'.

Once your technology is in place, you'll get registered in a feed-in tariff database by the installer which gets you the certificate, that you then provide to the energy supplier you use.

They then check this against the database to ensure that you are eligible. There are various energy suppliers in the UK who can provide feed in tariffs.

The licensed electricity suppliers that offer FITs at the time of writing this article for your reference is below:

British Gas
EDF Energy
Garsington Energy
Good Energy
Opus Energy
Scottish and Southern Energy
Scottish Power
Smartest Energy
Utility Warehouse

For an up-to-date list of FIT licensees, together with contact details by email, web and telephone for the various licensed electricity suppliers offering FITs, you should take a look at the Ofgem website. A link to the relevant page, again which works at the time of writing this article, is below:


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