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Finance And Grants For Microgeneration

Microgeneration is something that many do out of principle and wanting to get greener and better energy for the environment into their homes, even if the cost at the moment is above that of mainstream energy through the grid.

This does mean however that microgeneration of energy is not for everyone by any means, and there are several reasons why it might not be suitable over and above simply the costs of the process, there are also the practicalities to consider.

However, that said there are ways of overcoming the fact that a fair amount of finance is needed for many microgeneration schemes. Not least of these, there are a wide range of grants that are available that include local grants, so it is worth checking for these in your own area to see what sort of financial assistance is available if you want to set up some sort of microgeneration project for your household.

There is a program called the low carbon building program, and many councils have renewable energy grant schemes that you can contact the relevant council for more information on.

As one example, there is a scheme run by Gloucestershire county council that contributes money for domestic renewable energy, and a range of technologies could be viable such as solar thermal, solar PV, ground source and air source heat pumps, wind turbines and also things like biomass room heaters.

So be sure to check with your local authority if there is any sort of grant or scheme in place, however modest, that you could apply to in order to receive at least a percentage of the funding that you will require in order to make your microgeneration project become a reality and not linger forevermore as a wistful dream.

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