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Maintaining Your Car Is Good For The Environment

Ensuring that your car is in good working order is something that you should do as a matter of course, but also ensuring that it is can help to ensure that you engine and car run efficiently and therefore reduce emissions to the minimum.

One thing that you should always check on a regular basis that many forget to do is with regard to the tyre pressures of the car. This is because if the tyres are under inflated then you can increase your fuel consumption by a noticeable percentage. And of course tyres should be in the right condition for optimum driving too.

Many drivers carry around things like roof racks all year round rather than remove them despite only using them occasionally. However the excess weight in the car makes the engine have to work harder, and therefore you use more fuel which costs more money and is worse for the environment.

This point means that you should only ever carry the weight that you need in the car in order to ensure that it only has to do the minimum work to shift that load at the required speed leading to less energy being needed and less fuel being burnt as a result.

What else can you do? Well the use of devices in the car such as air conditioning can be very intensive on burning fuel, so whilst it can seem nice using air conditioning should be done sparingly as it increases fuel consumption.

Finally if you do have any waste from the car then be sure that things like engine oil are disposed of carefully as otherwise they can harm the environment, there are council waste facilities that will be suitable for the waste you have so contact the council if in any doubt or for more information.

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