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Points To Consider When Sponsoring Tree Planting

Sadly a lot of businesses simply pay to plant trees in an area to jump on the bandwagon and be able to advertise themselves as being green, environmentally friendly, and an ethical company and so on.

However there are many things that need to be considered with these projects, and actually to count as green how much it costs is the last consideration, not the first! In fact planting trees in many areas is more something to give a feel-good factor to the company than of definite benefit, particularly in some regions of the world.

In the majority of circumstances when seeking such a project, it makes sense to give back to where you live and sponsor a project in your country or even immediate vicinity.

Considerations include:

- which type or types of trees will you plant? Whilst they might not be the cheapest, traditional native species of the area that are indigenous will be the best option

- profile of the tree: as in how quickly does it grow, what size does it grow too? If it will become a giant and overtake the area then it might not be suitable - make sure the space given to the tree or trees that you arrange to be planted is suitable for that location

- purpose: if the tree needs to have a specific purpose then consider this too - e.g. if it should offer some sort of security measure then a hedging tree might be a good idea compared to one that just grows tall.

Also an evergreen will of course retain its leaves through the year and therefore offer better protection in such circumstances where that might be important

Often the trees could perhaps be combined with other projects and if big enough a nesting box added to encourage and help local birds that are being decimated through the changing environment and the marauding local cats!

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