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Selling Eggs And Keeping Chickens

When it comes to keeping chickens, there are a surprising number of people that do this and not just people that live out in the country. People with a suitable plot of land all over the country where the regulations permit such as their title deeds, are keeping chickens these days.

And when they lay eggs then no doubt you enjoy eating them, but has the thought ever occurred to you what to do when you have too many eggs: perhaps you give them to grateful friends and family (have you seen egg prices recently?) But what about actually selling those eggs - is that something that you are allowed to do, you might reasonably ask.

The answer is a cautionary yes, but you might be required to register and label your products. However, whether that is necessary depends very much on just where about you intend to sell the eggs that are produced by your chickens. Therefore you need to get in touch with defra or visit the section on their site about Egg Marking to get advice as to whether your particular desire requires labelling and registration.

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