Save Paper At Home And The Office

One of the biggest paper wasters in the home and office is the printing off of emails and other documents that we stand little chance of reading and are often very long.
The key is that we THINK BEFORE WE PRINT. Many people do not do this. Emails are particularly bad because when we print them off they usually contain pages of disclaimers that are added automatically at the bottom of emails by programs and of course are just a waste of paper.
Ironically too, they often also contain a message at the bottom saying "think before you print", and that message alone has cost more ink - if enough people don't pay any attention to that message then, as well meaning as it may seem, it may have cost more ink and paper than it's saved!
As well as not printing so much paper, unless you need something for a specific purpose, print on both sides of the paper. When you are just printing emails, reading notes, checking drafts, always re-use the paper afterwards. So many people do not do this, but with the majority of non-sensitive information in and around the home, why not just put the paper back in the other way round afterwards?
In this way, we can ensure that almost double the amount of paper wasted is saved by using the majority of paper in a double sided fashion.
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