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Green Garden Products

There are many green garden products on the market, and there are more and more to choose from all the time, which is great news.

One of these products is a water butt, which allows you to collect rain water in the winter, enabling you to quench your garden’s thirst in the summer.

By doing this you will avoid the hose pipe bans and recycle rain water. So when your neighbours are struggling to keep their plants and vegetables alive, you will be able to keep them well watered.

Another clever product is called smartsoil, and allows you to compost together all your waste in one place.

It is a handy system that speeds up the process, and so it is possible to go from the fresh waste ingredients being added to the material coming out ready to use as compost in just a matter of weeks - clearly this is much faster than is normally the case where you may need to leave material for a year or two to get decent compost material as a result.

Most of us have used weed killer or some product at some stage to help control pests in our garden, and so on.

However some of these can be quite harmless to the environment and particularly so if they leach into water, so it is important now to try and use organic and natural garden products where possible.

There are a range of plant foods and so on that are chemical free in this sense and therefore would seem to be a better, and greener, alternative to artificial and synthetic products.

So with so many green garden products on the market there is no excuse. If you have green fingers why not convert your garden too, all it takes is a few strategically placed green gardening products.

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